
P6mm&P10mm Flexible LED Video Display Screen

DesignLED(Designer and Manufacturer of P6mm &P10mm Flexible LED Video Display Screen) is the original designer and manufacturer of P6mm &P10mm flexible LED Video Display screen modules and tiles since 2007.

Using our flex technology, we can create a unique display solution such as a circular column, curved, waved shape LED screen. Imagine the endless messaging, branding and advertising opportunities unlocked by the

ability to wrap static columns, curved  or waved wall in convention centers, stadiums, shopping centers, and more with seamless, brilliant imagery. Never before has there been such a solution.

Create a unique displays that break all the rules and change the industry forever for you.

Shopping Centers Curved Stair Installed with P6mm Flexible LED Tiles

Shopping Centers Curved Stair Installed with P6mm Flexible LED Tiles

